Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya are getting married today in Goa as per Hindu rituals Samantha Ruth Prabhu will wear a love story lehenga designed by Kresha Bajaj. Kresha also designed Samantha's engagement sari, in which the moment when Naga Arjuna proposed to Samantha was embroidered. Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya, who have co-starred in films such as Ye Maaya Chesave, Manam and Thrayam, are getting married today as per traditional south Indian customs and a Christian wedding has been scheduled for October 8. Nagarjuna Akkineni also told Deccan Chronicle that a reception is being planned for Samantha and Naga Chaitanya but the date hasn't been fixed yet. Times of India reported that the collective budget of the wedding is Rs. 10 crore. Samantha Ruth Prabhu earlier told Mumbai Mirror that they'd be leaving for their honeymoon in December. Both the Akkineni and Daggubati families are in full attendance for the wedding which will be according to Hindu traditions today followed by a Christian wedding tomorrow. While only a few selected families have been invited to the wedding, a grand reception has been planned in Hyderabad for Tollywood personalities, fans and well-wishers.
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